Ultima modifica: 6 Giugno 2020


Studenti della 3A A.S. 2019/20

Our life has drastically changed since 11th march with the decree #IoRestoaCasa due to the presence of Coronavirus, an invisible monster that has dramatically taken away many lives and also conditioned our private existences as teenagers and students.  
Everybody’s  life has been totally different for months, and we decided to trace a memory of all of us during the confinement at home.  
The idea of a choral representation of our life and feelings started with a creative homework we had to carry out on May 15th, that we are reporting here in the introduction.
You will hopefully do something interesting in your weekend, apart from studying. Please send me a photo of the most beautiful thing you made during the weekend (either indoor or outdoor) and write:
1. a title for your picture
2. a short description of the activity
3. who you shared this moment with
4. which emotions you felt while living it (why you think it’s a beautiful thing to do)
5. the reasons why you would advise other friends to do the same
(max 200 words)
We’re really proud to share this ebook with everybody willing to read it, and very happy to say that this cooperative work contains some of our best memories and activities that have been part of our lives during the lockdown.  We hope you appreciate it….